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4 Important Questions Before Selecting New Office Space for Your Business

Certain decisions can make all the difference in the workforce's productivity, budget, profitability, and how well your business thrives. One of those business decisions is choosing a new office space. If you have concluded that office relocation is necessary, prepare in advance as a business owner. Sit with some big questions and consider the answers to help ensure you relocate to the best new office space.

1. What do you dislike about the current office space?

Before picking a new office to run your business, familiarize yourself with your current limitations. In many cases, business owners recognize that they must fix some things about their existing space but must fully recognize what is wrong. Unfortunately, this can make it challenging to avoid similar problems in a new location.

For example, you may know that your employees feel crowded, but you are still determining whether floor space or building layout is the problem. In this situation, examine both aspects to narrow down the root problem and work to avoid that issue with the new location.

2. What are the exact motivations for relocating to a new office?

Business owners tend to site five primary reasons for choosing to relocate, including a need to:

  • Reach new or different markets in a separate geographic area

  • Undergo equipment or facility upgrades or changes

  • Slim cost margins and improve cash flow for the business

  • Access a better workforce or talent pool

  • Achieve a better quality of life for employees

Understanding why you are moving should drive your selection process when looking for a new place. For example, if you are looking to achieve a better quality of life for employees, examine locations in an area with a low crime rate, access to entertainment, and ample housing nearby.

3. What kind of budget do you need to relocate?

Moving a business can be a significant expense. However, how much money the company needs to set aside for the move depends on the location you select. For example, a longer-distance relocation usually involves higher costs. To evaluate your options, determine how much room is in the budget for the move.


4. What would your employees need to be more productive in a new office space?

Precisely what is impeding productivity where you currently operate? Problems can include:

  • Lack of privacy

  • Not enough sunlight

  • Poor temperature control

  • Bad indoor air quality

  • Noise

If you feel your location negatively affects workplace productivity, evaluate how to avoid these problems with a new workplace. For example, if your current building has no windows, you may want a location that provides more natural light.

Need help with your office relocation project?

Transitioning to a new office space can require a lot of teamwork and planning. If you need industry professionals on your team to help with business relocation, contact us for help with logistics and workplace solutions to simplify your move.