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6 Tips to Help Your Kids Acclimate to Your New Town

Moving to a new town is a big adjustment for an entire household. Kids often face unique challenges, so it’s important to remember them as you relocate. They’ll face getting used to a new school, making friends, and trying out for sports teams. Even moving into a new room can be hard for kids, especially the little ones.

As a parent, you can make the experience easier by being proactive. Here are a few tips to help your kids acclimate to your new area.

1. Keep a Positive Attitude

Your attitude will have a big impact on that of your children. A household move often involves lots of stress and frustration. If something goes wrong, try not to let your kids see it and keep the positivity flowing. When your kids see you having fun or excitement, it’ll put them in the same mindset.

2. Let Your Kids Help Plan the Move

If your kids are old enough to understand what moving means, let them participate in some level of planning. The unknown is scary, but keeping them in the loop can alleviate some anxiety that tends to come with moving.

3. Visit Your New Town Before the Move

If you can, take a day or two to visit your new town before the move. Take a driving, biking, or walking tour around town to show the kids places they’ll be spending time at, including your new home, their school, and parks. Being familiar with things like the grocery store might help them feel more comfortable knowing their surroundings.

4. Spend Time Exploring

Once you settle in with the basics, take some time off and play tourist. Look into activities that draw visitors in and explore them with your family. There’s no better way to get to know a new city than to delve into the experience. Get to know landmarks, parks, museums, theaters – anything you can find. Let the kids have input on the types of things they want to see, and add them to your list.

5. Join Local Groups

As soon as you can, join local groups in your new community. Sporting clubs, pools, rec centers, sports, art classes – whatever you can find that offers hobbies and activities your family enjoys. Find a place where you can volunteer together. These are great ways for you and your children to make new friends.

6. Have Lots of Conversations

This is probably one of the best things you can do – talk. Moving is full of hustle and bustle, but make sure to pencil in lots of time for one-on-one conversations with your kids, individually and as a family. Ask how they’re feeling, answer questions, and let them share their concerns. It’s OK to let them mourn what they’ll miss. Talking and validating their feelings will help them work through any sadness and help them learn how to look forward to new experiences.

Let Us Help Ease the Transition

Moving to a new town can be overwhelming for kids of all ages. We can help ease the transition. Contact us today to learn more about our moving services. We also offer free quotes!