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Family Relocation? Helpful Tips for Children Who Have to Move

Residential moves are stressful for everyone, and you probably have a long to-do list before the movers arrive. Helping prepare your kids for a move and helping them adjust to their new home should be your top priority on that checklist.


For children, relocating to a new house is a sudden and challenging disruption of normalcy. Starting fresh in a new home in a new neighborhood can feel overwhelming, especially for children used to a routine.

Begin strategizing before you pack your first box to determine how you will approach the moving transition with your child. Here are some suggestions to help your family adjust.

1. Be Honest About the Move

It's a tough conversation with your kids when they are happily settled in their current routine. So, it’s essential to share the news about your move early. This will allow your kids to process and come to terms with the news earlier rather than later.

  • Use age-appropriate language

  • Be positive in your presentation

  • Allow them to process their emotions

  • Listen and be open to talking with them

2. Involve Them in the Moving Process

If possible, take your child with you while looking for a new home or let them browse the online listings. Then, explore the potential new neighborhoods online or in person and allow them to provide their input as you look at the possibilities. 

Also, allow them to buy something new and different for their room. This will create anticipation and excitement and give the kids something to look forward to when they get there 

3. Honor the Memories

Find ways to honor your current home by taking photos or videos and putting them in a scrapbook. Consider coordinating a going away party with friends to help promote closure for your kids.

Your children will likely leave behind familiar friends, family, and neighbors. If your children are in school, they must bid farewell to valued teachers and classmates, not to mention their familiar hometown.

4. Maintain Their Routine

Moving brings a lot of uncontrollable changes. Try to maintain some of the same rituals that you did as part of your typical week. For instance, dinnertime or movie night might be essential family traditions that are part of your routine and can bring continuity to your new fluid situation.

5. Encourage New Friendships

A successful move with kids includes developing new friends and relationships with neighbors, classmates, and community members. Despite any post-moving chaos, make it a point to reach out to your new neighbors and introduce yourself. It’s an excellent way to see if children are nearby and to learn school and community information. 


Explore after-school programs, activities, or special interests for your children. Joining a team or club is a wonderful way to meet new friends with matching interests.

Settle into Your New Home

You want to make the transition smooth for your children and assist them. Let us help with your family’s relocation so you can focus on your family. Contact us for a free quote.